[Article] Charzin Expands Business Area by Joining ‘Banking STO Consortium’
- Charzin is a company that operates and builds the EVZ platform.
Charzin, an electric vehicle charging platform provider and EVZ platform builder and operator, is participating in the ‘Banking STO Consortium’ with ‘Nonghyup’ Bank and other company
The project aims to promote innovative projects on blockchain technology and security tokens in accordance with the Financial Services Commission’s ‘Token Securities’ guidelines, and to expand into a ‘financial charging integrated platform’ to collaborate with partners from around the world, including the United States and Indonesia.
It is expected to lead the industry as an institutionalized blockchain technology in the recently stagnant virtual asset market.
The security tokens will not be tradable on existing cryptocurrency exchanges, and we will update you with more details later.
Original Source: https://www.fnnews.com/news/202306150826083064
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