[New Partnership] with ‘EVGlobal’ for Electric Vehicle Charging Service based-on ‘RE100 Eco-Friendly Energy’
EVGlobal is a special approval company for the 2021 Green/Digital New Deal regulation. It develops technologies related to ‘New Renewable Energy Generation and ESS’ and stores surplus power purchased from self-produced or renewable power generation businesses in ESS to charge electric vehicles.
In the future, the surplus power will be re-supplied/activated through the EVZ platform, especially Jeju Island ,, which will contribute to the expansion of renewable energy generation, effective utilization, and the expansion of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
Xangle Announcement : https://xangle.io/project/EVZ/recent-disclosure/607d128830427836ef88a072
Original Source : https://www.techm.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=82666
● EVZ Webpage: https://www.evzlife.com
● EVZ Blog: https://blog.naver.com/zin_life
● EVZ Kakaotalk(KR): https://open.kakao.com/o/gLhDZ42
● EVZ Telegram(Global): https://t.me/EVZglobal
● EVZ Youtube channel :
● EVZ Coinmarketcap channel :
● EVZ Coingecko channel :